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` Est. May 26, 2009

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Forum Rules

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1Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules Wed Oct 07, 2009 11:31 pm



Offensive Material:
Any images, text, videos, etc; with offensive material will immediately be removed and dealt with accordingly. Offensive materials include vulgar, profane or sexually explicit language; links to p0rnz, or anything of such; discriminating by age, sex, language, ethnicity, nationality or sexual orientation as a way to offend.
TLDR: don't post stupid shit. o_o

Do not attack innocent people for useless crap. If they have not done anything and/or they are annoying you, just ignore them, don't flame.
TLDR: take your flamage somewhere else.

A troll [for those who do not know -cough-] is someone who purposely disturbs a forum for the worst. Whether it be flaming, causing arguments, and/or creating random threads for the 'fun of it', shall be dealt with.

Do not harass other users. Do not post information about yourself such as address, phone number, house number, etc.

Hack talking:
Do not talk about 'latest hacks', as of they are illegal and not allowed. You can talk about them, just do not support them.

Do not advertise other websites on this forum. Send through MSN or something if you have to.

Do not pretend to be someone else as of you will not succeed. If you do so, your account will be banned.
MN: and tbh, it's more annoying than funny. other than mark's beyonce LOL.

TLDR: too long didn't read.
MN: mod note / my note.

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